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Pudsey Megaparty 13 is raising funds for BBC Children in Need and is on Saturday 18th November 2023 at Banbury College!!!

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Thanks to all who helped us raise over £800 for BBC Children in Need.

PUDSEY MEGAPARTY 12 was back on Saturday 19th November 2022 and raised over £800 for BBC Children in Need. Thanks to Bumble-B-Roadshow and Sharon Green Dancers for their support performing for free and all who have helped to keep any costs to a minimum. Thanks also to Banbury and Bicester college.

The 2019 - 11th PUDSEY MEGAPARTY was another success with many thanks to Mr Mayhem and Tamtastic of the Bumble 'B' Roadshow and Sharon Green Dancers for a great show.

This years accounts are to be finalised but we should have raised in excess of £1000 - all for Children in Need.

Pudsey Magaparty 11 in 2019

Please note that we DO NOT get charged by the College, Bumble 'B' Roadshow or the Sharon Green Dancers for the afternoon show as well as the lighting and donations to the tombola and raffles are given freely so as much as possible is raised for Children in Need. Banbury Lions pay their admin through membership to there is no admin charge to any fundraising activity - All funds raised for charity is used for charity.

More to follow...

In 2018 the 10th PUDSEY MEGAPARTY, in aid of BBC Children in Need and hosted by the Bumble B Roadshow in association with Banbury Lions, was a sell-out!

The Mayor of Banbury, Councillor Shaida Hussain, came along to join in the entertainment, and there were special visits by Pudsey and the Paw Patrol crew. Some photos from the event.

Banbury Mayor Shaida Hussain, Lion President Richard High and the Bumble B Roadshow get the event started in style! Lion Members relaxing before the whirlwind of excited children!
Pudsey, the Paw Patrol team and the Bumble B Roadshow Lion President Richard High, Pudsey and the Bumble B Roadshow

In 2017, we raised just under £1000 for Children in Need. Thanks to all who supported.

Mr Mayhem and Pudsey

In 2016, we raised £944 for Children in Need, and all had a good time.

Gordon Ross, Mayor of Banbury, dropped in to see the fun Lion President Phil Hassell giving his speech

Donate to Banbury Lions Charity Account

Business Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month @ 7:30pm
Whately Hall Hotel, 17-19 Horse Fair, Banbury OX16 0AN

CIO Registered Charity Number 1191007
Telephone0345 833 2924